Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ways to Handle Stress

There are several ways of handling stress. When I'm stressed out, I often browse stress related articles in the web or magazines or even in self-help books. But even if there are tons of written topics about stress, there are some techniques that suits to me, but some are not.

1. Talk! They say talking about the stressor can alleviate some of the tension you feel. I say, there are some things that I kept in all by myself.
I follow: Write it out.
I do not: Exercise
But like to try: Hit a pillow.

2. ACT! Be willing to take risk and make change, no matter how small. Try to change the stressful situation, or at least some part of it. Moving forward in small ways helps you feel empowered and in control.

3. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If you learn about how your body reacts to stress, you can also learn how to counter that stress. Learn to listen to your body's signals and find ways to reduce your stress, even if it's just "taking five" to clear your mind.
Want to Try: Relaxation exercises (E.g. Yoga, meditation, physical exercise)

4. BE IN CHARGE! Discover what you need to feel good about yourself and get your needs met.
I follow: Another way to reduce your stress is to find an interest, hobby or activity where you feel in charge and call the shots.

5. DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF: If you are stressed and overwhelmed, perhaps you are trying to handle too much. Rid yourself of extra duties that aren't necessary or important.
I want to: Learn how to delegate and how to say "no" without feeling guilty. Ask for help if you need it.

6. GET AWAY: Sometimes a change, however small, can do wonders for your spirit. Forget it all for a while--escape! Go somewhere new for a few hours, or a few days if you can afford to. If not, it may be helpful just to "get away" to a warm bath for a little while!
I want to do: Spa, massage and a vacation..soon!

7. PRIORITIZE: You may not be able to avoid all the responsibilities obligations you currently have, but you can learn how to complete them without resentment and consciously choose how you will handle them.

8. EXTEND YOURSELF: Make your own life better by making someone else's life better. Give of yourself. Volunteer! You will feel empowered, positive, important...and you will be!

9. MAKE SUCCESS HAPPEN! If you can't change the world, change yourself! Learn how to love yourself as you are, while you work towards your goals. Then, make a commitment to yourself to start improving the things about yourself and your life that (you believe) need it. Instead of immediate, dramatic change, learn to enjoy the journey of lifelong self-improvement.

11. LEARN HOW TO BE HAPPY: One thing all of life's winners have in common is a sense of well-being, a positive attitude and realistic goals. Focus on the good things about yourself, and in your life. Nobody's perfect. Learn to enjoy the "little things" that make you happy. Count your blessings. Every day, write down on a slip of paper one thing you are grateful for, even if it's just a sunny day, a friend's phone call, your cat's happy purr.

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